Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One of those days...

Ever have one of those days? Well, I've been having one of those days... for the past week and a half. I can't seem to shake off this funk! I'm slowly on my way to recovery from this odd haze that has been following me around, like a sneaky little fly that you can't seem to kill. I have been trying to attack those feelings of uselessness with a fork. It has not been working as well as I'd like. But I have come to learn that it's okay to have these funks, to go through these motions of questioning and doubt, because maybe, just maybe, we are going through these hardships for a reason. Perhaps I am supposed to be feeling this way, because through feeling like crap and like I'm not making a difference, I will learn to make a difference- I will learn to be better, to be more than I am, to be a bigger person. So there you have it, world. Carrie Eilzabeth Cloke is not settling for feeling this way. I am tired of sitting feeling like I have no voice, like I am not good enough, like I am not big enough to take on the world! Well, look out. Because I intend on proving you wrong, one step at a time, I am going to change the world. And you can tell me that I am not good enough, and you can tell me that I'm not making an impact, but the truth is, I am. I am changing the world with love and peace, through humbling myself enough to accept that I am not perfect, and that I never will be. So, look out world, I'm going to kick your sorry little butt.

Carrie. <3


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